
Gift Card


Kummibox OÜ gift card - a great gift for every car owner!

Comfortable and practical, providing the recipient with confidence.

So that no important ride is missed!















Gift cards can be purchased from our on-site services or from the Internet by writing to


Information about gift card purchasing:

  1. The gift card is sum based (minimum value 20 €).
  2. Gift card can be used in all Kummibox OÜ services.
  3. If the sum of the services or products exceeds the value of the gift card, they will have to be paid for additionally. The unused balance of the card amount will not be paid out in cash.
  4. It is not possible to redeem the gift card for cash or to exchange the services on the gift card for other services.
  5. The gift card must be used during a period of six months after purchasing.
  6. The expired card can no longer be used and the lost gift card will not be replaced with a new card or cash.
  7. The gift card is not personal.

When ordering a gift card by post, the Smartpost service fee (2.59 €) will be added.


Have a nice gift!

Kummibox OÜ


KUMMIBOX OÜ on 1998 a loodud ettevõte. Meie peamised tegevusalad on autokaupade müük ja autoteenindused, rehvide ning velgede müük ja rehviteenindused. Meil on Tartus 2 kauplus-teenindust ja Valgas 1 kauplus-teenindus. Kaupu müüme üle Eesti. Autokauplusi ja -teenindusi reklaamime CARBOX kaubamärgi all, rehvikauplusi ja -teenindusi KUMMIBOXi nime all ...
Kummibox OÜ Teguri 37a, 50107 Tartu Phone: +372 56 555 22 E-mail: