
Comprehensive Maintenance Inspection


We will help you prepare your car for roadworthiness tests.


A car that is more than 10 years old must pass a roadworthiness test every year. If the car is not properly maintained and equipped before the inspection, the failure of the inspection will be an unpleasant note in the history of the car, not to mention the cost of a second visit. We will detect defects in the condition of the car before the roadworthiness test and, at the request of the customer, will eliminate them.


What do we test and repair before the roadworthiness test?

  • chassis and brakes;
  • lights and electrical equipment;
  • lack of various leaks;
  • the integrity of the bodywork and superstructure;
  • visibility and measurement settings (eg speedometer, speed limitation device);
  • if necessary, we will take your car to roadworthiness test ourselves.

By having your car readied by CarBox service before the roadworthiness test, you will avoid unpleasant surprises during the inspection and you will be assured that the inspection will be successfully completed!

Book your reservation online: HERE

or call

For more information, send an e-mail to 

or visit our services.


KUMMIBOX OÜ on 1998 a loodud ettevõte. Meie peamised tegevusalad on autokaupade müük ja autoteenindused, rehvide ning velgede müük ja rehviteenindused. Meil on Tartus 2 kauplus-teenindust ja Valgas 1 kauplus-teenindus. Kaupu müüme üle Eesti. Autokauplusi ja -teenindusi reklaamime CARBOX kaubamärgi all, rehvikauplusi ja -teenindusi KUMMIBOXi nime all ...
Kummibox OÜ Teguri 37a, 50107 Tartu Phone: +372 56 555 22 E-mail: