


We are pleased to welcome you to CarBox Services!


We are a full service garage and offer all kinds of repair and maintenance services for all cars. In addition to solving complex problems, we also offer the most basic car maintenance services such as oil change, tire change, and vehicle preparation.


You will find a list of our services on the left.


If you did not find the service you are looking for, please contact us at +372 73 04 314 or by sending us an email to Let's find a solution together!


Our services are located:





KUMMIBOX OÜ on 1998 a loodud ettevõte. Meie peamised tegevusalad on autokaupade müük ja autoteenindused, rehvide ning velgede müük ja rehviteenindused. Meil on Tartus 2 kauplus-teenindust ja Valgas 1 kauplus-teenindus. Kaupu müüme üle Eesti. Autokauplusi ja -teenindusi reklaamime CARBOX kaubamärgi all, rehvikauplusi ja -teenindusi KUMMIBOXi nime all ...
Kummibox OÜ Teguri 37a, 50107 Tartu Phone: +372 56 555 22 E-mail: