
Maintenance and Oil Change


The longevity formula of the car is timely and proper car maintenance.


When to take your car to maintenance? Maintenance and oil change every 15,000 kilometers is recommended. If your annual mileage is less than 15,000 kilometers, you should change the engine oil at least once a year, regardless of your mileage. Often, maintenance is limited to changing the engine oil and its filter. Along with the oil change, it is also necessary to change the other filters and check the general condition of the car! Our goal is to inspect your entire vehicle during maintenance to ensure that you do not have any problems before your next service. When servicing a vehicle, we will take into account the factory requirements and regulations of the particular make.

During the maintenance we also check:

  • outdoor lighting;
  • running gear (play, worn parts);
  • tires and tire pressures;
  • steering system (play, leaks);
  • brake system (leaks, worn parts);
  • belts and rollers (degree of wear, play);
  • power transmission (slack, leaks);
  • coolant (frost limit, change);
  • brake fluid (leaks, replacement);
  • batteries;
  • wipers, etc.

It is widely believed that coolant and brake fluid do not need to be replaced.

In fact, there are two types of coolants: red or longlife for five years and green for standard for two years. By regularly changing the coolant, we prevent corrosion, which prolongs the life of the water pump, seals and the cooling system in general. The brake fluid must be replaced every two years. Failure to replace the brake fluid will result in rusting of the calipers and other brake problems.


Bring your car to us for service!

Book your reservation online: HERE

or call

For more information, send an e-mail to 

or visit our services.


KUMMIBOX OÜ on 1998 a loodud ettevõte. Meie peamised tegevusalad on autokaupade müük ja autoteenindused, rehvide ning velgede müük ja rehviteenindused. Meil on Tartus 2 kauplus-teenindust ja Valgas 1 kauplus-teenindus. Kaupu müüme üle Eesti. Autokauplusi ja -teenindusi reklaamime CARBOX kaubamärgi all, rehvikauplusi ja -teenindusi KUMMIBOXi nime all ...
Kummibox OÜ Teguri 37a, 50107 Tartu Phone: +372 56 555 22 E-mail: